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Orna Lalo
Sea Creatures
The sea creature is a hybrid, crossbreeding
between a machine and an organic creature.
It resembles a colony that was spit out of the
ocean. The colony maintains a regular schedule,
in which it comes to life and the observer can
hear its heartbeat and engine sounds. It grows
and inflates, changes its color and at the end
of the cycle it shrinks and dies. The exhibit is
theatrical almost circus like.
Inflating objects, a Lycra stretch net, a sound
device and slide projector.
Collective work
for the Bat Yam Street Festival. 2017
As part of a master's degree in integrated design,
HIT Holon.
Tami Edelman
Ayelet Trlovsky
Sichi Gilad
Abigail Hunt
Orna Lalo
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